Debunking Myths: Sleep Trackers, Wearable Devices, and Sleep Apnea

Mar 13, 2024


More and more people are turning to wearable sleep trackers to help improve the quality of their sleep. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine found that a third of Americans have used these electronic sleep-tracking devices.

Many use them to monitor sleep stages, respiratory rate, and other health factors. Some even use these for sleep apnea detection. But are they as practical as they seem? Should you rely on them to detect sleep disorders like sleep apnea?

Consumer sleep trackers have their uses. But it’s essential to know their limitations. Dr. Mark Weidenbecher, an ENT specialist and expert in sleep disorders at Unity Health Network, debunks common myths about sleep trackers.

Understanding Sleep Apnea

What is sleep apnea? This is a sleep disorder that causes breathing interruptions during sleep. These breathing issues can happen due to muscles in your throat becoming too relaxed. Or your brain might not send the right signals to the muscles that control your breathing.

Symptoms of sleep apnea might include:

  • Multiple episodes of your breathing stopping and starting again while you sleep
  • Snoring loudly
  • Gasping for air while you’re asleep
  • Severe sleepiness during the day
  • Having a dry mouth and/or headaches in the morning
  • Problems with staying asleep all night
  • Trouble staying focused during the day

Undiagnosed and untreated sleep apnea can cause serious problems. Daytime sleepiness or fatigue can affect your daily activities, such as making it unsafe for you to drive. This sleep disorder is also linked to a higher risk of type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, high blood pressure, and heart problems.

Getting an accurate diagnosis is crucial before you begin sleep apnea treatment. This helps lower your chance of developing other health complications.

Dr. Weidenbecher recommends having a sleep study done. This can be done in a sleep lab or at home with special, FDA-approved devices. The studies give accurate data that helps detect and diagnose sleep apnea.

The Capabilities of Sleep Trackers

Wearable devices, like Fitbit, OuraRing, and Apple Watch, offer convenient ways to monitor sleep. These sleep-tracking apps and devices gather some data points. Wondering how much time you spend in REM sleep? You can use these to track sleep patterns.

Sleep trackers also collect data on body movement, heart rate, and body temperature. You can see how much time you spend in each sleep cycle. You can also get an analysis of overall sleep quality, like FitBit’s sleep score.

But can you use these to tell if you have sleep apnea? Not with sleep technology limitations. These devices and apps can only do so much when gathering and analyzing sleep-related data. They aren’t reliable tools for identifying sleep apnea.

The info they do collect may not be accurate either. They mainly track your body movements. So, if you move around before sleep, they might count that as light sleep.

Misconceptions About Sleep Trackers and Sleep Apnea

There’s a common myth that sleep-tracking devices can diagnose sleep apnea. Some people think they can use the data from these apps to determine if they have this disorder. But that’s not the case.

Dr. Weidenbecher explains, “They’re just not that great at diagnosing obstructive sleep apnea, let alone telling you how severe your apnea is.” And research studies have backed this up.

Dr. Weidenbecher strongly recommends sleep studies if you’re concerned that you might have this sleep disorder. These professional assessments give you accurate information based on your brain activity levels.

The Role of Professional Evaluation in Diagnosing Sleep Apnea

The sooner you start sleep apnea treatment, the lower the risk of health complications. Treatment involves having a professional evaluation done. The evaluation is the gold standard for diagnosing sleep apnea.

Professional assessments can include:

  • Sleep studies
  • Medical evaluations

Sleep studies can happen in a sleep lab. Or you can have them done at home. A sleep study in your home involves wearing a device on your finger or wrist that gathers sleep info. Unlike consumer sleep trackers, medical ones collect information on brain waves while you sleep.

Why is this important? Brain activity gives more accurate data that helps determine if you have sleep apnea. Sleep trackers, like OuraRing, don’t measure brain waves, limiting their capacity for use in sleep apnea diagnosis.

At Unity Health Network, Dr. Weidenbecher diagnoses and treats sleep apnea. Sleep labs for sleep studies are available in many satellite offices. Or you can discuss in-home sleep study options.

Dr. Weidenbecher also performs medical evaluations as part of the diagnostic process. This involves examining your nose, throat, and mouth. You might also have your blood pressure checked.

If you’re diagnosed with sleep apnea, Dr. Weidenbecher can recommend treatment. Your treatment plan, such as using a CPAP machine, helps ease symptoms. It’s also an important part of lowering your risk of health problems.

Alternatives and Complements to Sleep Trackers for Sleep Health

Sleep-tracking devices and apps have limitations. But that doesn’t mean you have to avoid them altogether. They can be helpful in a broader approach to monitoring your sleep health.

Sleep trackers can help you get a general impression of how you’ve been sleeping. You can use them to see:

  • How often you wake up throughout the night.
  • How much sleep you’re getting.
  • What your heart rate is like while you’re asleep
  • What your breathing is like during sleep based on respiratory rate data

Avoid relying solely on sleep trackers to manage sleep apnea or determine its severity. You can use them along with professional treatment. But they’re not meant to replace CPAP machines or other treatment approaches.

Are you concerned that you might have sleep apnea? Or how severe your sleep apnea is? Dr. Weidenbecher recommends seeking expert care for an official diagnosis and treatment. You can mention what you’ve noticed on your sleep-tracking device to explain why you seek help.

Seeking Expert Care for Sleep Apnea

Scheduling a consultation with a sleep specialist helps you get reliable care for sleep apnea. Have you experienced symptoms of this sleep disorder?

Don’t depend on your wearable device for the diagnosis. Sleep specialists can diagnose sleep apnea and help you manage it. Dr. Weidenbecher can conduct a comprehensive evaluation. If you do have sleep apnea, you can then begin managing this disorder.

What’s the bottom line regarding sleep trackers and sleep apnea? You don’t have to give up your wearable tech. However, you should consult a medical professional if you have concerns about your sleep health.

Contact Unity Health Network at 330-923-5899 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Weidenbecher.